I return home

(Relating deeply with Trees)

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I return home

(Relating deeply with Trees)

Ancient mother, ancient mother, ancient fir tree on this beautiful hill

I hear the river rushing below, breathe in clean air, what a thrill

Rain droplets fall around me in a constant rhythm of the earth

As of now it is not raining but the raindrops keep falling ever so softly

On this leaf padded earth

Slowing down the rushing waters, holding in the river’s silt

Allowing the roots to take deep hold, even when life is all askew

The roots sink deeply through my heart through my belly,

Through my brain and my feet

They sink deeply these energetic roots into the sky and all around me

My heart is present in this fresh morning breeze, and my hands feel the cold and wetness

of this winter day

My favorite friends, all trees and nature and standing all around,

Protecting me they are my sacred guardians, all over the earth the are to be found.

They hear me through the mychorhizae, they hear me through the leaves

lightening quick through the earthconnecting us through the earth

The silver glistening signals of love and energy and amazing connection withing me

My forest, my friends I am so grateful and lately I have come upon a beautiful lesson

When asking myself about how it is that I relate so uniquely with other fellow humans

That I noticed that it seemed to be within myself that I just want to relate so deeply

So sincerely , so uniquely , so openheartedly, that the result is rather un reeling

Then one day came to me this realization or of the blue

That all of my life I have been preferring to communicate with sacred beings such as you,

Your trees, your forest, beings sacred energies as friends and guides,

listening to your wise messages about the universe and about life

Of course I would have this difference of relations ships if with only you I have deeply spoken

For many years you have truly been my only true best friends,

And now I allow myself to enjoy this knowing

That your love is purely unconditional

And in this love I have realized something about my relationships with self,

With human with this human elf, and with the people around myself.….

Am I Pushing people away??

So I realized with a start one day there are true humans in this time...

This deep trusting unconditional we feel in the forest

With Invisible beings plants and trees alike, animals, guides, sacred ancestors all combining in This intangible brilliance of light

Forgiving each step that I have mis-taken for they are all steps to the heart

Now I understand my true nature of relating in this universe

and thank the trees and the invisible folk for keeping me in this healing magic after birth

And I understand my human friends for not seeing sometimes how sacred relationship is,

And I forgive myself for being rough at the edges still learning to be greatful and aware…

And I feel the energy coming from within, out into the air,

Into the sky, into this blue amazing universe thank you mother earth father sky everywhere!!!!

I continue my journey now, with so much love and care, and at the same time, I allow, the goodness in my life…

Into my heart- as I believe in myself every step of this delight,

Every single step, that I abide with love in my heart,

No strife can tear me apart

For it only creates more Life within me by far

Thank you sisters and brother, thank you dearest loving ME for being courageous at heart

And I appreciate and love you

You’re a creative person with a huge heart

Go fly love believe in yourself,

Love your family more than anyone else

Love the trees

Love our own needs and love your health

As you will find a way to return to yourself


Published by raisethevibrationcreations

Raise the vibration creations is a project in which everyone is invited to portray their idea, their vision of a sustainable, illuminated harmonious, loving humanity, in art, poetry, prose, stores, or any other form they choose as long at it contains a 1-3 page description of the idea. this is to empower the people to create our own societies, and to visualize our improvement as humans...

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